Below you will find abortion-related helpful links that help you in your abortion decision-making, what method, after your abortion support, and reproductive rights, etc.
What’s the right method of abortion for me?
Pregnancy Options – for important information.
Choice Link Up is a pro-choice directory listing for information about reproductive health and rights.
Our Bodies Our Selves provides women with the most up-to-date information on early abortion methods.
Abortion Care Network offers videos of essential abortion information in 10 different languages.
All-options counseling
Allies in our network to support you in this decision:
After-abortion Helpful Links
Support and connection after your abortion:
Abortion Care Network ( Founded in 2008, the Abortion Care Network is the national association for independent community-based, abortion care providers and their allies. Together they work to ensure the rights of all people to experience respectful, dignified abortion care.
National Abortion Federation ( is the professional association of abortion providers in the United States and Canada. The organization’s mission is to preserve and enhance the quality and accessibility of abortion services.
Abortion Clinics Online ( A directory of abortion and other reproductive health care providers, clinics, and hospitals.
Feminist Women’s Health Center ( Provides abortion and reproductive health services, and information in order to achieve reproductive freedom. Site features a host of information on abortion topics, including abortion procedures, statistics, personal stories, and state-by-state laws. Information available in both English and Spanish.
American Society for Emergency Contraception (ASEC) ( works to improve access to and knowledge about EC throughout the United States.
Not-2-Late Your website for, “The Morning After” operated by the Office of Population Research at Princeton University and by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and has no connection with any pharmaceutical company or for-profit organization.
Abortion and Reproductive Rights Organizations
NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona ( is the political arm of the pro-choice movement and a strong advocate of reproductive freedom and choice. NARAL’s mission is to protect and preserve the right to choose while promoting policies and programs that improve women’s reproductive health.
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy ( an independent, nonprofit legal organization dedicated to ensuring that all women have access to appropriate and freely chosen reproductive health services. Site offers fact sheets, reports, articles, and news on topics such as the world’s abortion laws, Roe v. Wade, the Fundamentalist crusade against abortion, and so-called “partial-birth abortion.”
Feminist Majority Foundation ( The Foundation’s mission is to create innovative, cutting-edge research, educational programs, and strategies to further women’s equality and empowerment, to reduce violence toward women, to increase the health and economic well-being of women, and to eliminate discrimination of all kinds.
Lady Parts Justice ( is the first not safe for work, rapid response reproductive rights messaging hub that uses comedy, culture and digital media to sound an alarm about the terrifying erosion of reproductive access so people will get off their asses and reclaim their rights. Our name is an homage to Lisa Brown, a former Michigan state rep who when in office was banned from the statehouse floor for using the word vagina when arguing against a transvaginal ultrasound bill. When she asked what she SHOULD say they suggested something less provocative like “lady parts.” The offensive nature of men uncomfortable with the word vagina, but perfectly comfortable legislating it, inspired us to use it as our name.
Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) ( was founded in 1993 by students concerned about the shortage of doctors trained to provide abortion care, the lack of abortion education in medical schools, and escalating violence against abortion providers. The organization represents students at more than 100 medical schools across the United States and Canada.
National Organization for Women ( is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW’s goal is “to take action” to bring about equality for all women. Both the actions NOW takes and its position on the issues are often unorthodox, uncompromising and ahead of their time.
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund ( continues to be at the center of every major social and economic justice concern on the women’s rights agenda. NOW LDEF pursues equality for women and girls in the workplace, the schools, the family and the courts, through litigation, education, and public information programs.
Alan Guttmacher Institute ( the mission of the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world. AGI provides reliable, balanced, nonpartisan information on sexual activity, contraception, abortion and childbearing.
Abortion Care Network ( connects the abortion care community including independent providers and others offering care to women seeking abortion. ACN includes independent abortion providers and other organizations and individuals who care for women seeking abortions.
Women Help Women ( is an international group of activists, trained counselors and non-profit organizations and foundations. We bridge the gap between reproductive rights advocacy efforts and service provision.
One-In-Three ( The 1 in 3 Campaign is a grassroots movement to start a new conversation about abortion—telling our stories, on our own terms to end the stigma and shame women are made to feel about abortion.
Catholics For A Free Choice ( a social justice organization devoted to research, policy analysis, education and advocacy on issues of gender equality and reproductive health.
National Council of Jewish Women ( is a volunteer organization that works through a program of research, education, advocacy and community service to improve the quality of life for women, children and families and strives to ensure individual rights and freedoms for all. The council believes that comprehensive, confidential, accessible family planning and reproductive health services should be available for all, regardless of age or ability to pay.
Later Abortion Initiative ( The Later Abortion Initiative intends to change the conversation around later abortion and the women who need this service.
National Partnership for Women & Families ( From health care and reproductive rights to fair pay and family friendly policies, they know when women do better, families do better, and our nation prospers. The partnership promotes equality for all women and are working every day to make our country more fair, just and tolerant so everyone has the opportunity to fully participate and thrive.
Abortion and Post-Abortion Information
Support and resources for those seeking abortion care or supporting someone who is:
2+ Abortions Worldwide – Abortions are a human right, and having more than one abortion is common. Almost half of all US abortion patients self-report having one or more prior abortions. Countless more do not report because of the stigma. 2+ Abortions Worldwide
“You Are a Good Woman” [pdf] – Support for making decisions from a place of goodness.
“Will It Hurt?” [pdf] – Questions and answers about pain during an abortion.
Healthy Coping After an Abortion [pdf – Information to help you after an abortion.
Young People’s Rights and Resources [link]– Young people have legal rights which differ from state to state.
Shout Out Your Abortion #ShoutYourAbortion is a decentralized network of individuals talking about abortion on our own terms and creating space for others to do the same. SYA is everywhere: on the sides of buildings, in art and outfits and zines and social media. Abortion is normal. Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate.
Peace After Abortion site is based on the book, “Peace After Abortion“. Although most women who have abortions do not experience negative feelings, a significant number do. You will find information here to help you understand the origin of your emotional and spiritual pain. You will also find the stories of other women who have experienced distress related to an abortion.
Ferre Institute,Inc. founded in 1974, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of quality services and education of professionals and public about reproductive health and family planning. Information on genetic counseling and abortion available.
ReWire News reproductive and sexual health and justice news, analysis and commentary.
Abortion Counseling and Information
Connect and Breath provides an unbiased talk line for women and their loved ones after an abortion.
Exhale pro voice offers non-judgmental emotional support, resources and information to women and girls who have had abortions, and their partners, friends, allies and family members.
Faith Aloud promotes the religious and ethical voice for reproductive justice and offers free spiritual counseling for pregnancy options or after your abortion.
Non-Surgical Abortion
ite has comprehensive information on this pill, the first FDA approved pill for ending early pregnancy.
National Abortion Federation (NAF) is playing a key role in educating health care providers and the public about this new abortion option, and we want to keep you up to date. National Abortion Federation
Answers your questions about Teen Sexual Health and Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention from the American Social Health Association.
At the Silcom Hospitals site you can find all there is to know about HIV and AIDS by browsing through the topics listed above.
A huge collection of links to places to get accurate and safe information on women’s health.
American Social Health Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to stopping sexually transmitted diseases and their harmful consequences to individuals, families and communities. Site has links and educational information about STDs and HPV. AIDS and STD hotlines: Phone numbers are 800-227-8922 or 800-342-AIDS.
Help: Domestic Violence and Drug Abuse
National Domestic Violence Abuse Information Center 1-800-799-7233
Rape, Abuse and Incest help and information.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Women’s Health
The Breast Cancer site is home of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, one of the nations leading breast health organizations. The site has news and information about breast cancer and Komen events, including the Race for the Cure and 1.800 I’M AWARE®, a helpline that provides the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about breast health or breast cancer concerns.
The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute provides comprehensive cancer prevention, screening, diagnostics, treatment and supportive care to more than 10,000 new patients each year. Their web site offers cancer information on prevention, screening, early detection, and the most-advanced treatments.
The National Women’s Health Information Center (NWHIC), a service of the Office on Women’s Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, provides a gateway to the vast array of Federal and other women’s health information resources. The web site can help you link to, read, and download a wide variety of women’s health-related material developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, other Federal agencies, and private sector resources.